The past few weeks have been woefully unproductive, I haven't done so much as written a shell script, let alone progress with my projects. Disregarding this, the two projects I have been mulling around are a Brainfuck interpreter written in assembly, and a sort of 3D interface. 
ABFI( Assembly BrainFuck Interpreter ) is a means for me to learn assembly, so far I've learned enough to open and read a file, next part will be the actual interpreting, though no idea when/if I'll continue this. 
The '3D interface' is an attempt at creating a 3D interface to display or output information in an easily interpretable format. For example, you could display a directory tree as a large bookshelf with files and directories shown as books and binders, or display network connection 'health' as a wireframe grid that becomes corrupt as the connection worsens in relation it's average health. 
The project will be slow going, since I'm just starting to learn graphics programming, though I'll post any noteworthy updates as they happen. 
#Lately I've been thinking of things to change or add to the site, one idea nagging at me has been a comment system. Maybe I could have some kind of PHP form, though I'm trying to keep the site as static/lightweight as possible, so I'm not yet sure what I'll do. 
Signing off, 